He Reigns

It's the F/Gsong of the redeemed, C/GRising from the African Gplain

It's the F/Gsong of the forgiven, C/GDrowning out the Amazon Grain

The song of F/GAsian believers, C/GFilled with God's holy Gfire

It's every tribe, every F/Gtongue, every nation: A C/Glove song born of a grateful Gchoir


It's all God's children singing

FGlory, glory, Challelujah, He Greigns

He reigns!

It's all God's children singing

FGlory, glory, Challelujah, He Greigns

He reigns!


Let it F/Grise above the four winds, C/GCaught up in the heavenly Gsound

Let praises echo from the F/Gtowers of cathedrals, To the C/Gfaithful gathered underGground

Of all the songs sung from the F/Gdawn of creation, C/GSome were meant to perGsist

Of all the bells rung from a F/Gthousand steeples, C/GNone rings truer than Gthis


And all the F/Gpowers of darkness, C/GTremble at what they've just Gheard

'Cause all the F/Gpowers of darkness, C/GCan't drown out a single Gword


© 2003 Dawn Treader Music
CDs: Adoration (8Apr2003) (asf)
CCLI song#