

Did You Emrise the sun for me?

Or Cpaint a million stars that I might Gknow Your majesty? D/F#m

Is Your Emvoice upon the wind?

Is Ceverything I've known marked with my GMaker's fingerprints? D/F#m


CBreathe on Emme, let me Dsee Your Gface

CEver I Dwill seek You


G'Cause all You D/F#mare, is all I Emwant, alCways

G/BDraw me Dclose in Your Emarms

Oh CGod, I wanna be with GYou F Em C


Can I feel You in the rain?
Abandon all I am to have You capture me again
Let the earth resound with praise
Can You hear as all creation lives to glorify one Name?


Mia Fieldes. Original key D.
© 2003 Hillsong Publishing; CCLI song# 4128959
CDs: More than Life (2004) (21kbps 1:01 ram) (96kbps 0:30 ram) (wma) (96kbps 0:34 mp3)